My A/C condenser is mounted 2 to 3 inches in front of my radiator on the outside of the core support where the radiator is on the inside of the core support.
My fans draw air through the rad well enough but from there the air doesn't really get pulled through the condenser as good as I would like. There's a 2 inch gap along the top and on the driver side between condenser and core support and a 4 inch gap on the passenger side.
I've considered several types of material for covering these gaps and am currently thinking on these...
Summit racing neoprene rubber sheets:
This is 1/4 inch thick 12"x12" panel of rubber that I can cut. I figure I can zip-tie or even screw these onto the condenser edges and let them get sucked into place by the fans to cover the gaps with the core support.
What have you guys used for sealing up radiator/core support/condenser air channels?