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Old 06-08-2019, 06:24 AM   #4
Stepside 67
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Re: Administrators: I'm Trying to Join - What am I Doing Wrong???

Thanks for the replies folks. Appreciated.

Who's Liz? How do I get in touch? As I shared yesterday, I've sent messages twice to the administrator's "welcome" message I got when I joined in December. Neither was replied to. As well, my project partner applied in January and his message to administrators went into the same black hole.

As for paying $25 to be able to sell a few items, I'm fine doing so. The sticky about premium membership is at least 10 years old. Is the info and the contact (Joshua Brady) for which I'm supposed to send money you still accurate?

Hate to burden forum members with these questions but frankly, I'm disappointed with Administrators on this matter. I'm appreciative of the support I'm getting from you all. Thanks again!
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