Hi Willie,
From your vin this is what I found.
Chassis Designation (1st digit)
C = 2Wheel Drive
Engine Designation (2nd digit)
E = V-8 Gas
GVW Range (3rd Digit)
1 = 1/2 Ton 3600-5600#
Body (4th&5th Digit)
OD= Wide Side
Assembly Plant (6th digit)
P= Pontiac
Model Year (7th Digit)
B= 1968
Serial # Final 4-5 Digits
*1962 C10 swb fleetside, big window, custom cab 350/TH350 combo...Hot Rod
*1963 C10 lwb fleetside, small window 230/4 speed...Blvd Cruiser
*1931 Ford 5 window coupe (soon to be Hot Rod)... Father & Son project