Re: Splitting a 68 C10 Trailing Arm
My first set off a 72 2WD Blazer fell to pieces as I pounded on them with a hammer to loosen the rust flakes.
I have modified 3 sets of these using Early Classic top and bottom plates. I heard they are a modification for a 3/4 ton.
Clean the old arms then you might even run a bead down the mating surfaces top and bottom. I added that step because I have a couple of 220 welders so no money spent just time.
The plates are about 3/16 steel with holes punched for the U-bolts. They weld on top and bottom and really add a lot of strength to the stock arms.
Price was very reasonable and a bonus is they come with new U bolts and new front pivot bushings.
Might be dreaming and might be the new springs but I think the ride and especially cornering felt tighter with a stronger arm.