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Old 06-17-2019, 10:31 PM   #84
I'm trying....
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Re: 1969 K10 CST Full Restoration

I have read the threads and reviewed Brothers' how to guide for installation of the headliner:

We spent more than a little bit of time discussing different ways to do it. Here's how we elected to handle it. (We are very lucky to be able to invert the cab). The decision was made not to try and cut square holes in the cab roof for the plastic tabs. The tabs were cut off the trim. We centered the headliner and fixed it with a couple of pieces of tape. Next we identified our center line and idealized the position of the trim strips and marked/drilled the front middle screw hole (1). Shaped the front trim toward the corners and marked/drilled the front corners (2). Then we moved to the back middle and marked/drilled(3) and worked those pieces forward (4) mirroring our steps on the front. We were left to work out the slack in the middle. You don't want to be left short and in fact in our case we had to remove a bit of the bottom trim on both sides to accommodate the final screws (5). Because it is flexible trim we screwed it down as we went and pulled our lines straight. All will be removed to continue paint work. The plan is to use trim or heavy duty construction style adhesive in dots at the clip locations (yellow arrows). With the rotisserie we can place adhesive and sandbag it over night to hopefully get a solid result.
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Last edited by IronCanine; 08-31-2020 at 05:31 PM. Reason: Clarity
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