Originally Posted by cebra
Cable, the only one I can find is "Absolute Throttle Position" but it only tells you how far open the TPS is which isn't very useful.
So, that actually is useful. What are your readings at idle and with the pedal floored?
With DBC at idle your TPS should show "0%" since you have an IAC to keep airflow correct. With DBW's the TPS won't or shouldn't show 0% at idle because it does NOT have an IAC and the TPS+throttle actuation motor is what keeps the blades open the appropriate amount. If, for some reason, your TPS is showing > 0% at idle then off idle stumble would be expected because it would push more fuel than is needed.
Does that app have calculated AFR or Commanded AFR? With narrowband O2 sensors the most accurate you will get is "rich" or "lean" - the actual numbers don't matter but it might help illuminate some of the problem.
I also noticed that you're running a manual trans. Did BP flash it with a non-electronic trans tune? Occasionally that can cause weirdness, especially on deceleration . Your issue sounds different, but its a thought.