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Old 06-21-2019, 08:01 PM   #59
Jim Boy
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Wasaga Beach Ontario Canada
Posts: 209
Smile Re: What kind of gas mileage do you get with your 67-72?

I don't care what I get with my 250 as long as I get home without having to call a wrecker or do any pushing. Someone earlier said mileage was for Hondas. In 1992 I owned a 92 Honda Civic VX manual trany. The thing was rated for 72 miles to the gallon. I never got that but was close to 60. I had a Dodge pickup that cost me $140 a week commuting to Toronto and back when I was working. 6 cylinder with 4 speed overdrive. I bought the Honda and would you believe $40 a week. No BS. I saved $100 a week, $5000 a year, had the car for thirteen years 780,000 klm. saved around $65,000.00. That Honda was one of the best cars I ever owned. With the 68 truck I'm only giving back what I saved with the Honda. Everything evens itself out in time. If it's running enjoy it. You can't be nostaljack and economical at the same time. Have a good one.
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