Thread: 292 Questions
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Old 06-28-2019, 09:27 PM   #82
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Re: 292 Questions

I have tried every place on the idle screw with no luck. It does the same thing. Idles fine, as soon as you want to get it more than a roll it drowns out. This carb has me beating my head against a wall.

The only response I get is when the screw is all the way in or within a half a turn from being seated, it wants to die out. The only difference I can tell between backing out a little more is when I get in the truck and try and go. Backing it out maybe 3 or 4 turns gets me to going up to a roll other than that there is no change. I set the float right at 1/4 inch as the manual said so I dont think the float is the problem.

I sprayed carb cleaner like you said. Idle increased when I sprayed the back side of the carb so I am not sure where it would be sucking that in at. I covered the whole intake manifold and it didnt do anything. Other than knowing now that the cleaner can get in some where in the back, not real sure how to narrow it down. Might get back there with the nozzle and spray a tiny bit on each gasket flange.
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