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Old 06-30-2019, 11:08 AM   #1028
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Re: Dug's 1959 Fleetside

I tried multiple times to adapt new wiper arm assemblies to the '59. No success so I decided to go back to the '55 - '59 factory wipers. Thanks to our fellow Chevy truck enthusiast Jason, I now have a complete assembly. He lives here in Mobile and has collected three trucks of which one is a parts truck. I got the arms unstuck and installed. All I need now is to decide on what new universal motor to buy. Has anyone done this and, if so, what motor was used? 90's Dodge truck/Caravan motors look promising and they are inexpensive ($33-ish). Should be pretty straight forward. Toughest part will be adapting the '59 rotating bar to the new motor shaft. Still using the box of springs my dad had around when I was a kid. Needed a spring for the retention clips that hold the arms on at the motor.
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Jason also provided me with a driver side view mirror arm that I used with a new round mirror I had in stock. Appears to have welded on and maybe even shortened. I'll heat it up and move it out just a bit. Much better than the pinch type mirror I had mounted.
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