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Old 06-30-2019, 10:21 PM   #23
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Re: Give me the really big picture on manual trans options

Originally Posted by 1976gmc20 View Post
I get about 12-15 mpg on my 89 K1500, 50 mile round trip to town and the rest puttering around on gravel roads and lots of low range chugging around in the woods. The 350 TBI pickup actually gets better mileage in those conditions than the six banger jeep, though it does a bit better on the highway, 20-22 mpg.
I'm not sure what all was wrong with mine. Possible plugged cat, possible wiped cam lobes, possibly low pump voltage, and goodness knows what else. If it was in proper trim, it would have done better. But I figured if I was going to put the effort into an engine, it might as well be a good one.

I'm sure the TBI is better than a carburetor. However I see it as just an intermediary step to a LS. If I'm going to mess around with a computer controlled engine anyway, it might as well be an LS.

This thread got off topic.
1987 C6P V20 truck, 2010 LMG 5.3, AFM delete, 2010 Camaro exhaust manifolds, 1997 nv4500, 1991 np241c, hydroboost, 2005 14bff axle & driveshaft, drop-n-lock gooseneck, 4.10 gears, stock suspension, rims, and tires. Still a work in progress. Any questions or suggestions are welcome!
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