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Old 06-04-2004, 09:58 AM   #1
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Location: Austin, TX
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New member of my Chevy family....1964 C60

Hey guys!

Here's a pic of my latest acquisition.... (sorry about the link problems....this one should work!)

It's no beauty queen, but I'm hoping to get some good use of of her....and a little advice from you folks:

It seems like the cab of this truck should still use many of the same parts as a "normal" '64 pickup (windshield, steering column, wiring harness, etc). Can anyone confirm???

It needs some love in the electrical department, the PO did a lot of splicing underneath the dash and I'd like to get that repaired. Also, they gave up on the factory turn signal assembly and clamped some aftermarket unit to the column....I'd like to get rid of that and put the correct type back in. The steering wheel has seen better days.....I wonder if it's the same as a pickup seems awfully large (diameter) for a regular vehicle.

Anyway.....just wanted to say hi, and show you the pic.

Last edited by -Greg72; 06-04-2004 at 08:57 PM.
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