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Old 07-03-2019, 11:32 AM   #21
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Re: Why aren't classic Suburbans "popular"??

Originally Posted by FLYNAVY30 View Post
I guess I should have stated that more clearly....yes, people also love my Suburban when they see it, I'm just surprised more people dont own them as opposed to some of the other more expensive options.

With regard to the Blazer/Jimmy, I dont put a ton of stock in buy it now prices on eBay, but yes, those have jumped considerably in the past 2-3 years.
Don't get me wrong, Greg...I appreciate that you started this discussion as I have also wondered what makes some vehicles the "one" to have and others don't get snatched-up so quickly? When I finally got to a place that I could buy a vehicle that was more than just a "responsible-decision"...a station wagon was my immediate go-to, but my history/memories growing-up with a '71 Suburban over-rode the "coolness-factor" that I personally assigned to the sleek looks of long-roofs! The oversized station wagon feel of the Suburban coupled with the fact that so much is available to put them on the road and keep them there won out. As is normal for soon as I set my sights on something, none that meet my check-list standards are available or they have a much higher price tag than I expected. Ebay buyers were blindly buying the "deals" so quickly that an old-school type like me, who has to personally inspect a vehicle before plunking down cash, could not compete. It took me four years before I found mine...and I was the only one to respond to the owners ad which had already expired! He was asking a lot more than I wanted to pay, but I was able to negotiate a price that was still more than I wanted to pay...but all my boxes were checked and I do not regret my decision. Soon after the purchase, it seemed that the market got flooded with good deals...but it was probably all in my mind as I felt that I had spent too much. Being recently retired, I am moving slowly with big ticket items, but the fun-factor comes from driving it "as is"...and receiving enough "love" at the car shows, parking lots or just cruising down the road. I've actually had people recording with their cell phones from passing vehicles...and of course the "thumbs-up" always brings a smile to my face! So my friend, thank you for starting this thread! The remarks I have read are simple reminders of how this group interacts/connects...and that we are part of a much broader interest group than just Suburbans (but we both know that "Suburbans Rule"!!!).

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