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Old 07-03-2019, 09:05 PM   #12
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Re: 1967 GMC V6 - 351E on a Camper Cruiser

From a small engine mechanic standpoint... I had a late 80's Briggs 8hp engine that got the screw treatment, someone dropped one down the cylinder and it imprinted itself in the head about a dozen times. Cylinder was a bit scored bit it still ran great.

If the scoring is only 1/32 and minimal, personally I'd just run it! You wouldn't believe some of the scoring in tractor engines that I pull apart and they still get used on a weekly basis.

I have a 351 V6 in my '61 5000 flat bed. Nearest I figure, it's gets about 7-8 MPG loaded or empty and not being conservative with the gas pedal. Has the 2 barrel Stromberg WW.

From what I gather, 351's are hard to get internal parts for vs. the 305's. I thought there was someone reproducing pistons, but don't hold me to it. There are guys that have adapted more modern carburetors to them... 4 barrels and what not. You could try that to improve efficiency and power.

Anyways, it would be pretty cool to see that engine remain in the truck being original. But if you do decide to replace it, I may be interested in it...

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