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Old 07-05-2019, 10:07 AM   #205
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Location: Hampden, ME
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Re: Shop truck build

Originally Posted by Whamo View Post
Man, I am behind on updates...I apologize fellas, and I will get caught up over the next couple days...but 1st

I am not sure there is a good method...I detailed it back in the thread starting with post #43...It was and pain and tedious.
Basically, I went crazy with a putty knife.......FOR HOURS!!!
I can't remember the exact number but there are over 70 of those stamped holes in the dash (I am guessing for weight reduction) that are very sharp and left me with several finger slices...
The black mesh is gutter guard that I picked up at Menards and JB Weld'd to the and doesn't look too awful...
The wood accent is actually 100yr old barn wood that I planed down and trimmed up to fit the existing trim holes...

I know that Gregski stripped his down in his Restoring Rusty thread and I believed he was phosphoric acid, but I can't remember exactly...

Thanks! I wound up peeling it all by hand, then using flat head screw drivers on the stubborn stuff, then sandpaper to get the remainder off. It took probably 2 hours or so to get it to paintable condition.Sprayed with flat black rust converter... I haven't done the gutter guard yet, but also agree on the sharp edges! Looks way better than what was there before.
1980 C10 SWB
2003 Chevy Suburban 2500 LT
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