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Old 07-06-2019, 04:16 PM   #5
Greasey Harley
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Re: Straight exhaust pipe on an inline 6 to much?

I've had a couple straight piped trucks. They sound neat.
Not too loud as long as the pipe is ran all the way back. They cackle when you let off the gas, it's fun ( if that's what you're into).
You could always add a mullfer later, if you decide you don't like the noise.
just my $.02
I ran my Shovelhead Harley with straight pipes, for 15 years, THAT WAS LOUD!!!

Originally Posted by RichardJ View Post
>>I know a inline 6 sounds good like this,<<

Personally, I like a 6 cylinder, but I hate that raspy-ass sound. I have headers, an H-pipe, two mufflers in front of the axle and exit behind the rear tire.
The H-pipe crossover is curved to allow for the same stagger as the headers and is still at 90* entry to the pipes. The mufflers have the same stagger.
It is quieter that I really wanted, but doesn't have that raspy sound.
That is one sweet I6 exhaust system

Last edited by Greasey Harley; 07-06-2019 at 04:28 PM.
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