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Old 07-09-2019, 08:59 PM   #4
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Re: Speedway Dirt track A arms for bagged S10s

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
On the left/right thing. I am pretty well positive that you will throw the caster all out of wack if you put a right Control arm on the left side.

If they don't come with a ball joint get Moog or an equal unit.

I've never seen any spindle come with ball joints.

these speedway arms are mirror image left to right, so you can swap them left to right by flipping them over. they dont have any balljoint angle, the balljoint mounting surfaces are perpendicular to the mount.

if you must use these, at least use the ones with the steel cross shaft instead of aluminum. I havent seen any kits to change out the steel bushing for poly, thats a new one to me, but I cant imagine the poly will last very long given its thickness. the steel certainly doesnt last very long. read the reviews.

the way you have your frame set up, the truck will lay out easily without tube arms especially with drop spindles. most people use tubular arms on S10s because they need a lot of drop and lift for big wheels, the upper tube arms clear the exhaust better at big drop and give about an extra inch of lift without the structure that hits the spring hats.

the ridetech arms are great, I would recommend the full upper/lower set if you go that route. I have had several sets and they are always in good enough shape to resell after removing. check your local craigslist, thats where I have gotten mine.

I second the Moog balljoint. there are tall balljoints the name escapes me but it helps with toe change at extreme drop, again, you wont have this problem much because of how your fame is set up.

drop spindles do not come with balljoints.
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