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Old 07-11-2019, 12:13 PM   #10
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Re: started building my 441 heads. tips 4 ya,ll

1st thing 441,s arent fuelie heads.............. yes I,am going to large valves. Canada heads have 441 cast into them on bottom side length wise on int. port, us heads have 441 cast in width wise. there heavy castings. people say go modern alum heads but what they overlook is all the cheap import heads need work b4 install so true cost is a lot higher. nothing is better imo than gm for our use. lastly when folk say closed chamber is better by the time you open chamber up so int valve can breath its not 64cc chamber anymore. go 76cc and use .125 dome pistons to get 10-1, fine tune with deck height and gasket thickness. IMO I,AM NOT BUILDING A RACE ENG. JUST A REAL 355 / 350HP ENG.
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