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Old 07-13-2019, 11:06 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: burbank ohio
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Nos parts arrived safely

I’ve been collecting nos parts for a k20 super project for quite a while now, and enjoy the thrill of the hunt for them. I have bought several of these parts from several members on this forum, with no complaints what so ever. But what happened to me yesterday left me speechless to say the least. Several members know that I’m looking for certain items and try to help whenever possible. Several months ago I get a call from a good friend/member stating he has located a couple extremely rare pieces that I’ve been searching for being sold locally in his area. This was the start of countless smiles and elevated blood pressures in the times to come. He gave me the persons telephone number and said if needed he would inspect and pick them up also. I immediately called the seller and purchased parts. Not only did he take time out of his day to drive several miles to retrieve them but also paid for them. To be completely honest these parts he could easily sold and tripled his money. He has been holding these parts for some time for me to pick up. I know that he has been worried about them being in his possession and getting damaged. Yesterday I received not only my beloved treasures but upon opening package there was a added piece I was looking for included. I have added pics of quality made package which was opened immediately and then closed for safekeeping. I thought this story deserved to be shared as it shows the true integrity of this individual. I’m truly honored to have IRONMIKE as a friend.
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