Having a hard time finding transmission mounts for a 71 C10 with 307 motor with a standard transmission (3 on tree). I’m thinking of just putting the original mounts back on, even though the rubber is dried out and they are showing their age.
I talked with Tech at LMC and he indicated there seems to be an after market mount that does not resemble this part at all. If any members have replaced them and remember where you got them, it would be great to know. I did a search here and did not find any info relating to these mounts. They are on a crossmember, one on each side, the mounting block resembles a “C” with a large center hole that sits on a hole in the crossmember and two bolt holes in the mount for securing to the transmission.
Does the same mount work for both manual and automatic transmissions? Parts sites don't seem to distinguish or ask if manual or automatic, and only show one mount, and that appears to mount on the center of the crossmember. Not sure how that would bolt to the transmission though. Any help or info appreciated.
The crossmember, circled in red are the location and one mount:
The Mount, top and bottom: