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Old 07-23-2019, 08:42 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: vista ca
Posts: 35
Help! Suburban seat covers unavailable

LMC advertises a suburban seat cover, see photo for what they sent me.

The rear material stops about 6" down from the top of the seat. This is for a truck, double checked the part number and after two phone calls and an hour they apparently do not make suburban seat covers. My original cover goes all the way to the floor, as do the next two rows.

Classic industries doesn't have one that I can find.

Brothers Trucks has them on their website but they are 'back ordered' without any ETA. Two phone calls to Brothers has not yielded much, they will not give me any time reference for how quickly I will get these back ordered covers. When I asked someone at brothers if they could call the vendor to get an idea of lead time that was apparently too difficult for them to do, however they really thought I should just go ahead and buy the seats without any knowledge if I will get them this month or next. The guy on the phone said it 'could be two weeks or a few months'.

The local upholstery shop (with a superb reputation) will custom make them for about $700 each, which is a bit more than I was hoping to pay after seeing the $300 prices most places.

Anyone have a good place to buy them? The K5 has got to have the same problem right?

This is not to blame LMC or Brothers, I have multiple orders at each place with nothing but good results. This is the first time I have been stuck on parts.
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