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Old 07-24-2019, 08:35 PM   #16
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Re: Fan clutch install 72 GMC C15 350

Another post about fan clutches prompted this replay. 2-1/2 months, 1250 miles, 7 fill ups. Old truck mods don’t occur in vacuum, however. I did play with the timing curve, and replaced a bad plug with a full new set. I installed a cheap manual choke conversion. The divorced choke was perfect all winter, but for the life of me I couldn’t get it to perform well in summer. After 2 weeks, I trashed it, bought a good cable, made solid brackets & linkage and it works perfectly.

So anyway, my tank-to-tank mileage has increased consistently, up 10%. Ten trailing is up 5%. My truck does like summer, but it has never shown such a regular increase.

How much is the fan clutch responsible for? Some, but exactly I can’t say. It is irrelevant. The free and easy acceleration and cruising more than compensate. At first, I was really enjoying the throttle, but as mileage increased every fill from 12.5mpg to 13.8 mpg, I’m sure some psychological factor came into play. My commute is consistent, averaging 45mph, anticipating lights for fewest stops possible. The truck is so much more enjoyable, I’d highly recommend the fan clutch conversion.

Stocker – the studs make aligning WP, pulley, and clutch a breeze. We sold them all the time back in the ‘real’ auto parts store. Many pumps even included them. Bolts are a pain in the dupa with limited clearance and a pump & pulley that want to rotate freely.

Minkota – TH350, 3.73 rear, 235/75R/15 Michelin Defender LTX, no tach but by the calculator about 2700 at 60 mph. Without that fan noise, we enjoy the revs coming so easy.
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