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Old 07-29-2019, 10:16 AM   #17
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Re: Water pump to fan Studs???

We have a 402 also in a 72 longhorn think we used bolts for that. Have a 7 bladed fan going to use alredy but the clutch fan we had to get I had to look up part numbers on here because parts store kept trying to sell me a non thermal fan. Which would mean it is engaged all the time and think truck would have a horrible wine to it. Didnt want that so crossed number Hayden 2747 and bought that clutch for it. So now studs aren't long enough will probably use bolts if cant find right studs. Going to look in my junk pile and see if old water pumps have right studs to get a correct length on them. Or just use bolts as you have thanks again for all input.
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