Originally Posted by tim_mc
Here's what I used on my '67 to update to '73-87 components (reused '67 control arms):
(2) Upper ball joints, '71-86 C10, Moog K6117T.
(2) Lower ball joints, '73-86 C10, Moog K6136.
(2) Outer tie rod ends, '73-87 C10, Moog ES409RT.
(2) Tie rod adjuster sleeves, '71-87 C10, Moog ES2004S.
I reused my '67 center drag link. El Camino inner tie rods match the smaller '67 drag link taper and the larger shaft of the '73-87 outer tie rods:
(2) Inner tie rod ends, '73-77 El Camino, Moog ES2020RLT.
For completeness, here are the other parts I used when rebuilding the control arms/steering:
(1) Idler arm, '67-82 C10, Moog K6096T.
(2) Control arm shaft, lower, 63-72 C10, Moog K6147.
(2) Control arm shaft, upper, 63-72 C10, Moog K6098.
(1) Power steering box, 3-1/4 turn, Lares #1075 remanufactured.