Re: Core Support Mounts
There was a slight design change in the mount hole sizes /types on the 67-68 vs 70 - 72 Model Years. I put an off-the-shelf parts kit from a well known vendor who shall be nameless, [but their initials are LMC] and it wasn't a perfect fit. Rather than go thru exchange hell - - even if the right stuff was available -- I just made what I had fit whatever was there with a BFH and brute force.
So there's a grey area where a 69 or early MY 70 might have 67-68 style mounts.
When I built my engine and did some restores and upgrades to the cab and frame, back during 2002 - 2005, I think only the Later style was offered. One size fits all was their sales philosophy. Hopefully the Market has gotten more sophisticated since.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.