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Old 08-10-2019, 08:50 PM   #1
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Can you guys help me identify this truck?

Today I went back to one of my old “honey holes” from 6 years ago to see if some of the trucks were still around and to see if I could find the owner. Couldn’t locate an owner. After some research I know where to look. Wasn’t able to enter the property so this is what I came up with from the fence. Unfortunately the tree has grown around the truck and has a little body damage.

Originally I thought this truck was a C/10. Now I’m thinking more like C/20-30?

Also I noticed it didn’t have a “C-20” logo. In place I swear it said “Custom Camper” but didn’t think they started making those until ‘68 (not sure why I think that)? Did some research and didn’t find much on a ‘65 Custom camper.

I also noticed that it had a chrome front bumper, the grille was the anodized aluminum and had aluminum hub caps. Like the “custom” trucks have.

Does anyone know what this truck is? Is it worth tracking down the owner?

1965 c/10 swb
1969 c/10 lwb
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