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Old 08-13-2019, 11:21 AM   #1
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Help Me Figure Out The Motor Mounts / Front End on this K20 PICS

Hey guys,

So I've been hunting up a K20 to buy for some time...I've looked at one recently I really like, the body is pretty straight, and has a nice patina to it. It runs real good and drives down the road nice and straight...of course it has some hidden issues too. I'm not buying this truck to restore. I just want an old work truck to use. The plan would be to just use it and fix it as things break and keep it on the road. That being said. Here's whats going on.

It has what I believe is a 292 in it, that the PO (deceased) installed with a homemade motor mount. It appears a bit crude (literally rough around the edges), but solid. Unfortunately, on the passenger side, he left almost no clearance, and it has worn a pinhole through the oil pan, and it now has a size-able oil leak. I'm trying to figure out if I can fix this without pulling the motor. Perhaps get in there with a small grinder and clearance the mount a bit, and find someone to spot weld the pan? There's evidence of JB weld on it, so I know a repair has been attempted before. Basically I'm trying to determine if this is a deal breaker or not.
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