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Old 08-13-2019, 09:07 PM   #7
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Re: Help Me Figure Out The Motor Mounts / Front End on this K20 PICS

Okay, first things first: That round tube cross member with the flat plate on it, is the original front motor mount. You need a "horseshoe saddle" for it, that bolts to the front of the engine and the bottom of the horse shoe rests on that mount with a rubber block between them... I don't know what years they ran those, but I know they were on '60-62 for sure.
It looks like the engine now has side mounts on it, that are attached to that horrible box tube "cross member" thing.
Someone on here will have the proper horseshoe saddle, so you can go back to the way it should have been.
It also has a PTO winch? That's what that thin driveshaft and pillow block bearing is, coming off the transfer case. That's $$ right there!

Get the correct front engine mount, take some pics of the pillow block PTO driveshaft mount, then take a grinder and get rid of that whole mess, then have a fab shop make you a nice mount for that PTO shaft's bearing and roll on!

You've got a kick-ass price negotiating tool there...
(oh, oil pan should be dropped and welded, or just replaced. Order a new one, and swap it out yourself. Shouldn't be hard)
'61 Suburban daily driver: off the road due to 180-pound 8-pt buck!
'62 K-10 long-step project
'61 C30 Camper, aka "Valdez"

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