Thread: George...
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Old 08-16-2019, 12:03 PM   #206
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Re: George...

Transmission and Power Steering coolers are mounted and plumbed in. I am using the factory lines from the white truck for both. For the power steering I just cut a hole in the core support to run the hoses through, shortened the rubber hoses a little to fit George, and modified the lower cooler bracket to fit my trans cooler cross brace. I don’t know if the cooler is needed, but I did read an article in some Chevy magazine where they talked about the high amount of heat a GM ps pump produced and since I had it figured why not.

The trans cooler mounts to a piece of angle aluminum in the same fashion the factory mounted it on the white truck, for the lines I relaxed a few bends by hand and used my tubing bender in a few spots to increase a couple angles, but it did not need much finagling to make all the lines work.

Finally I gave it a scuff, wiped it down, etch primed it and sprayed some black on it just to make it look good through the grill.
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Last edited by 69gmcc10; 08-16-2019 at 12:26 PM.
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