Annapolis Moving Sale some NOS take a look
All parts picked up in Annapolis, Md. 21401. No shipping.
2 '69 - '72 Seat Belt Consoles $300.00 for both consoles See 14 pictures=
'69 - 72 GM NOS Short bed upper side bed molding ( both sides) $300.00
'69 - '72 right side NOS GM fender-------------$750.00
'69 - '72 right side OEM fender (look at the pictures) $75.00
'67 - left side OEM fender very small spot of rust . $75.00 SOLD
1 Pr. OEM sport mirrors not NOS just excellent plus cond. $125.00
1 excellent Van Tilt, bolt in and go. Turns smooth. Tight shifter pin. Tight tilt. $150.00
1 van tilt for parts. tight pin hole and tilt mechanism. 100.00
'67 - 68 GMC small letter tailgate. The normal wear/ ding curve issues . Ziebart coated inside. $250.00 OBO
True '70 GM NOS Inner Grill (one year only) $750.00 in original package.
Gate pic coming later.
Call (727) 946-2701
Last edited by CaptRMW; 09-28-2019 at 03:01 PM.
Reason: Added Seat Belt Consoles