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Old 08-18-2019, 08:43 AM   #13
Special Order

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Re: Resale vs personalizing

Originally Posted by CG View Post
Im not saying don't do a particular thing, do whatever you want, its your truck.

Ive seen a ton of hot rods and even these trucks that were obviously beautifully done with expensive interiors and paint jobs. People are asking a ton and who could blame them, they have a ton in them.

But when average Joe looks at something with an 80's or 90's "theme" instead of being built in a timeless manor he's going ... Great truck beautifully done, but that paint ugh, that tweed interior ugh, those sawblade rims, ugh (sorry sawblade lovers lol). That's all extra money he needs to spend to change it to his liking.

I guess my long winded point is C/10 King knows how to put together a truck. And when he does step outside the box somehow he knocks it out of the park ... again!
What would you mean by "Timeless manor"? To me that would be "era-correct", anything that was done in the time these trucks were dailys and about 10 years beyond... including stock. Certainly what you see done in current builds that most guys dig and wish they owned is only the current trend, as things keep evolving and this is just NOW.

I bet I could build an '80s or '90s style truck that people would drool over, if they can rise above the clouded vision of prejudice. There are styles from the correct era that most wouldn't care for now and you don't see anyone doing it. I have pipe dream truck builds in my head but no money to carry them out. I have seen many thoughts carried out by others, through the years, who had the money to do it. I don't share my dream truck ideas with others in case I come across the money and can do mine first. If I had a rich friend with more money than imagination and good taste we could make a great team. Anyone???

I have builds in my head that would knock peoples' socks off, and would want to buy. What's funny is I didn't go for the 80s/90s trends back then. I always stayed with what I continued to love when others moved on. Now they call that old school. I call it classic, which to me means timeless. These trucks are from the muscle car era, the best years for factory built fun go machines... IMO

In time, it all comes around again. First we move away to the next new thing, but in time we start looking back. Many things get brought back in a new combination of old & new while others go about "nailing" the look from back in the day. Just look at the "customs" that sat half a century stuffed away because they became "dated" and people moved away from that whole element in cars. Now there is a revival of that style. I like to take what most look down on and show it back to them in a way they have to admit looks good.

Ask C/10 King about a lime green 2wd Blazer
"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

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Last edited by special-K; 08-18-2019 at 08:57 AM.
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