Originally Posted by mr48chev
Wrench bender hit it pretty close. The stuff in the thread that 68 P.O.S.linked that those guys are throwing around is strictly for trucks that are driven on the auto cross courses at Good guys and those specs (2 neg is OUT OF ALIGNMENT) will eat your tires off the truck before you get to the first event that is 50 miles away. You cannot runs specs that are for racing on the street and expect your spendy tires to last.
Back when tires were narrower I set these trucks up with 1/2 degree + camber on the left, 1/4 degree + on the right an 1 degree + caster with 1/8 toe in. The 1/4 difference in camber compensates for the crown in the road and may have to be tweaked a tad if you live in an area that has more crown on the roads or a dry area like some parts of Arizona or New Mexico that have less crown on the roads.
I would not get past the 1/4 neg that wrenchbender suggested no matter what the self styled experts throw out. On the other hand I wouldn't get past 1/2 + either. You get too far either way and the weight of the front end is carried on either the inner half or outer half of the tread causing the tires to wear uneven and wear out far too soon costing you a bunch of money.
Not sure where you're getting that from, but the thread I posted from BEMERDOC has nothing to do with setting your truck up for auto crossing and racing applications. It's about improving upon the short comings of the stock specs to get a better, modern alignment since the stock specs are antiquated and not performance friendly. Were the stock specs even meant for radial tires?

Wow, calling a 20 year BMW master tech a "self styled expert" after he went through the trouble of testing these setups to try and help us board members out...truly a douche bag move. Bravo sir, bravo!

96blazr, stick with the numbers in the thread I posted and you're truck's alignment will be better than ever. BMERDOC has a couple of good threads on the subject, so check those out as well for real world results and to get more info on this. Let us know if you need anymore help and we can get you squared away.