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Old 08-23-2019, 12:52 AM   #3
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Re: 2003 transfer case parts

Originally Posted by kljfamily View Post

Just picked up a 2003 8.1 2500 with about 170k. Everything was fine until I drove it on the freeway and the t-case (gm 246) started grinding and blew. Found it the pump had rubbed through the case (know I know common problem).

Not a novice, so I tore into the t-case. Turns out the planetary gear exploded in there so I have a lot of shrapnel.

A friend has a 2002 t-case I can have for parts on the cheap. Since i just bought this thing I don't have a lot of extra cash.

I see on researching that there was a change in the np246 in 2003. So question is will the 2002 np246 work on my 03? (I think the change had to do with the push button 4x4 but I could be wrong) or at least are they similar enough I can rob parts from it especially that planetary gear which is a costly part. Then I could buy a general rebuild kit and bottom half since it has a hole in it.

My only other option is to go to u-pull it this weekend and see if I can manage to pull out a t-case in the middle of the desert here in Albuquerque.


I don't see why not. It should bolt up mechanically as long as the spline count is correct.
If the shift motor is different you can probably swap the shift motor from your burnt xfer case. Any switches the same way.

Originally Posted by OldCreek View Post
I can't really help you directly but this link may be of help:

I think you can get the parts schematics and compare..

Also, I wanted to thank you for posting this. I just bought a 2003 8.1/Allison 1000/NP263XHD with 185k miles. I didn't know about the pump rub issue and researched it. I went out to my truck and found a pinhole and wet transfer case...
looks like another weekend day soon to be occupied! But, that's better than a grenaded case and being left on the side of the road.

Best of luck!

If you already have a leak you'll need to replace the rear case half. It's common enough that there are aftermarket replacements.
Worst case you have to swap a bnch of bearings along with the pump repair.
Make sure to get the o-ring for the pump pickup tube. It doesn't come in the kit.
I always clean off and put the magnet back in the pickup screen area even tho some folks say not to.

Look at the South Main Auto re-assembly video for the GM NV261. Eric does a pretty good job of explaining how to put one back together. The 261 & 263 are pretty similar.
1959 M35A2 LDT465-1D SOLD
1967 Dodge W200 B383, NP420/NP201 SOLD
1969 Dodge Polara 500 B383, A833 SOLD
1972 Ford F250 FE390, NP435/NP205 SOLD
1976 Chevy K20, 6.5L, NV4500/NP208 SOLD
1986 M1008 CUCV SOLD
2000 GMC C2500, TD6.5L, NV4500
2005 Chevy Silverado LS 2500HD 6.0L 4L80E/NP263
2009 Impala SS LS4 V8

RTFM... GM Parts Books, GM Schematics, GM service manuals, and GM training materials...Please include at least the year and model in your threads. It'll be easier to answer your questions.
And please let us know if and how your repairs were successful.

Last edited by hatzie; 09-06-2019 at 02:28 PM.
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