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Old 08-27-2019, 06:14 PM   #21
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Santa Clara, Utah
Posts: 48
Re: Do people realy think these pickups are with this much

I would love to see the SPID. Was it a factory option for full trim on the drivers side and none on passenger?

A corollary of the Barrett-Jackson pricing model is trucks with high prices because 5 years ago a guy at the gas station said he would trade a new truck for it. It was all talk and now the owner will not reasonably look at truck values and put a logical price on it.
A square body for sale 2 blocks from me dude said a guy from Phoenix told him on the phone it was worth $5000 (sight unseen). Still sitting 3 years later and still not worth $2500.
I wish on actual craigslist sales it is possible to see the final price after all the nonsense is over and wife says to get it out of the front yard.

Just saying this to distract you guys and get first dibs on the sweet camper shell....
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