Thread: 292 Questions
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Old 08-30-2019, 11:05 PM   #213
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Re: 292 Questions

Its interesting about the open vs closed pcv system, because Ive seen the pics Grumpy posted with one of his 292's and was wondering why they made some with out the side port to the air cleaner. Good info but I do wonder why one vs the other on the same motor. I was thinking about capping off the side port and putting an open breather type like he had where the oil fill cap is, because the breather I put on the 4 barrel probably wont have that port. Thoughts on that?

As soon as I get the motor out it is going to the machine shop. Im not trying to finish the truck in (how ever long) then have to pull the motor. I am by no means trying to hot rod this thing. I was a cruiser. The tires will never be burned. I knew going into it, wasnt going to be cheap. I want to find out if I can get a transmission with an overdrive to pair to a 292 any way and between that and the other stuff I want to add on (PS AC) this all just needs to go ahead and happen. I have no idea about transmissions either so I need to do some research on that on what my options are. Having a little trouble pulling the motor atm (different forum post).

I bought this because I have always wanted one and im gunna do my best to see it through. I could go spend 50k on a new truck but that is seriously not my style. Life is short so im trying to get a big one marked off the list.... Its going to be weird if I ever do finish this truck... cause ive already got the boat done (62 Renken Runabout) haha I dont think there will be a big project again...
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