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Old 09-11-2019, 08:22 AM   #39
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Re: tongue and grove for truck bed floor?

When I read the title of this thread my first reaction was "NOOOOOOO" because just a few weeks ago I removed a tongue and groove wood floor from my 67 stepside bed. Some PO decided tongue and groove with 50 carriage bolts was a good idea. Yes 50, I counted them. After careful consideration I decided the 4-1/2" grinder and an air hammer were the proper tools for the job. The cross sills have way too many holes in them now but they seem solid.

As to the work I have seen here I actually like it a lot. The color variation looks great and should make a nice looking and unique floor when complete. Look forward to seeing it.

My bed is now in pieces as the front panel and rear sill were too rusty to save. I'll strip the bed sides this fall/winter and try to get all the parts to put back together by spring. Hopefully, maybe. You guys know how these projects go.
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