Thread: 55.2-59 C4 rear end or solid?
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Old 09-12-2019, 02:11 PM   #7
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Re: C4 rear end or solid?

seems like it will be a bunch of fab work either way. c notch or corvette. personally, I would decide what the truck will be doing and go from there. if you plan to install some serious power and roast the tires all the time and maybe do some light to light street stuff then go with the diff that supports that so less time fixing stuff. if it is a cruiser and ride is important then possibly independent rear would help. a solid axle on coils or air bags will also ride well but again with the c notch and a 4 link or trailing arms thee will be some fab work. the 8.8 is a pretty stout axle and is easily shortened using the shorter side tube and axle from another diff or possibly just look for a mustang 8.8 that is centered. a wheel bolt pattern that is the same all around the truck would be a benefit and sorta expected of a well done rod. not a hard thing to do on an 8.8 either but every time you need brake rotors you need to drill etc.
if you have a second truck post a few pics. you know we all like the pics of others guys' projects and how they are proceeding.
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