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Old 09-18-2019, 11:23 AM   #6
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Re: 1970 350 quadrajet questions.

The current blends of gasolines are way different from even 10 years ago.
I am a member on a Pontiac web site. Cliff Ruggles is Pontiac enthusiast. he posts there a lot.
He sells all kinds of parts, has several books (one is for Quadrajets).
He doesn't work on carbs a lot right now.
Still sells parts and helps with advice ( IF, IF ou buy parts from HIM!!!)

Your float appears dead. whether it's plastic or metal. Cliff will not use a brass float anymore in his builds. The current manufactured brass floats seem to work OK for a short period of time, then leak. 1/4 inch is a safe float level...sounds like you just need a float...
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