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Old 09-20-2019, 12:04 PM   #1
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Deluxe Steering wheel modification idea, not sure how to though

I have way more important things to deal with on this restoration but I have a deluxe steering wheel and its got a little rust issue that has bled through the inner area and shows up in the clear display lens. So I was going to grind the rivets that hold that plate and try and clean things up as I repaint the steering wheel white.

While I am at though I thought it would be a neat detail to have the lens subtly light up when the ignition is on. I wondered if installing some mini lights (LED I guess) on each side would be possible? Nothing bright just a subtle glow is what I was thinking. I am not an electrical guru but can follow instructions. In fact, I will be as part of my restoration buying a new wiring harness and updating the electrical..and I sure hope it comes with instructions or Im sunk.

Anyone ever thought to do this or have some possible solutions?
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