Re: What to do with steam line?
The steam line is there to help carry away any steam or air build up in the heads created from hot spots. It will have coolant flowing in it. From what Ive read is the best routing is for it to have a path to the radiator with constant coolant flow. This way any steam can be burped off with the radiator cap.
Now if I remember correctly there is something older, like a trailblazer or something that ran the steam port down by the heater hoses, I dont remember exactly where it went but it was in that area. So you would probably be ok with your plan.
I think a better alternative is tapping the back of the upper radiator hose port on the water pump and threading it for a barb. This gives it a good path to the radiator with good flow, and is nice and clean. There have been a few on here do this including myself. Here is a pic of mine.