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Old 09-24-2019, 11:04 PM   #174
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Re: Visit the US in September/ October and looking for funny contacts.

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Hey guys.. Gerhard was NOT a serial killer or a Drug mule ..!!! 😂

He was however a great person! He’s welcome to Harlingen anytime!!

As for that ridiculous comment by Grumpy Old Man... well all I can say is- he hasn’t lived!
In my 23 year military career, I have literally traveled around the world and visited 27 countries... lots of people travel by bus, trains, tuk tuk, and anything else with wheels or an oar.
IMHO- traveling how he is, is the only way to get the true experience.

SAFE TRAVELS mein Freunde..!! den Geist am Leben zu erhalten und das Bier kalt zu halten... Ich hoffe, Sie in Rom zu sehen..!
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