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Old 10-07-2019, 08:22 PM   #278
I'm trying....
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Re: 1969 K10 CST Full Restoration

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 View Post
Nice work on the console. It looks fantastic. I would have been afraid the laquer thinner would soften the plastic. I learned a new trick..thanks
Thanks. I went through the prep protocol that SEM recommends for plastic because I wanted to ensure a good stick, but these consoles aren't what I'd call plastic. They're less hydrocarbon and more fiberglass or composite resin. They remind me a bit of a Blazer top. I didn't submerge the pieces in lacquer thinner, but I did wet well the section I was working on. I used the wipe it with a lacquer soaked cloth method on the earlier consoles and that just made a mess and took forever. When you've got it wet, after a second or two, the dye or paint or whatever the finish is will release and you can scrub it off all at once and rinse. Still took some time, but way more efficient than smearing a dirty rag. If you let it dry without getting the finish off, it's like you never dissolved it. Again I really wanted a crisp grain, so I thought it was important to get it back to bare before painting.
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