Sans penis ?
You mean you are a worries here as we are all here to help...
The cable laying on the manifold under the linkage is the TV cable for the not drive it until it gets looked at by a professional....
If you have the skills and tools, remove the plugs and hand turn the engine over to see if there are any parts down inside the engine,,,,if it locks up or knocks, stop immediately and seek professional help.
remove the air cleaner and look for small parts down inside the carb,
remove the carb and look down inside the manifold for small parts...
if you find any small parts in there you must remove the heads and make sure all parts are removed prior to attempting to start the engine.
Repair the oil line at back of engine.
Check the oil level and check for water in the oil.
Check water in radiator.
Check oil in transmission.
Check brake fluid and make sure pedal feels solid.
Check all steering joints and ensure they are secure.
Keep us informed on progress.....