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Old 10-17-2019, 07:57 PM   #8
The Older Generation

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Re: 1968 Chev K10 Carb.

Originally Posted by JASkin View Post
When I had the original engine with a 2 Brl it had a manual choke but this has an automatic choke --I wish it was a manual. It used to start good--I just use it mostly in the Winter to get thru the snow we have.


Even though it is an automatic choke you still have to set it before you start the engine. Here is how the owners manual says to do it. If it is an electric choke you have to have the key on for a couple of seconds before setting the choke.

Owners manual says:

"Fully depress accelerator pedal and slowly release. With foot off of the accelerator pedal crank the engine by turning the key to the start position and release when the engine starts. If the engine starts but fails to run, repeat the above procedure.

When the engine is running smoothly the idle speed may be reduced by slightly depressing the accelerator pedal and then slowly releasing."

On another note, It would be a good idea to have the air cleaner off the first time you do this to see if the choke plate is actually closing. If the engine is cold the choke plate should be fully closed after setting it according to the manual.


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