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Old 10-18-2019, 07:54 AM   #72
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Re: 54 3600 lincoln aviator

Originally Posted by Cjcolbyjack View Post
At auction I purchased a 1950s portable swap cooler in mint condition for 5 bucks. It had a long cord with just 2 wires with no cord cap. Me being the electrician, I wired up a 110 male to the end of it and plugged it in. If ran crazy fast for 4 seconds and started smoking. So I unplugged it, blew the smoke away and stayed with it another full minute. (I have exact times thanks to Cctv). Went to the house to use the restroom and my Nieghbor called asking what I was cooking. Then explosions and I immediately knew. Portable meaning 12volt. So I hit that 12v fan motor with 110 and had to be glowing red. Being a swap cooler it originally had some type of paper filter and being from the 50s. That paper had to be great Firewood. I didn’t fill with water before testing. On top of that it was right next to my lift and auto paint fluids etc. so no worries about your shop catching on fire unless you are an idiot like me. Of course insurance didn’t cover a fraction of what I had. I’ll build again one day hopefully.
Thanks for taking the time to explain, some one will benefit from your experience. I will be more careful with burnable fluids. Start today on the rebuild.
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