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Old 10-19-2019, 09:45 PM   #5
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Re: Where to Drill..? Emergency Brake

Now in looking at the pic, the rectangle hole is for the Ebrake cable to go through and I can cut that out. The other two holes on the other side were filled in and I assume that is where the wire bundles were inserted through.

The larger square hole I am not sure but is probably where the oem fuse block was attached I am guessing so I don't need to worry about uncovering that again just yet until I figure out how my AA wiring kit is going to attach to the firewall.

As for the ECM and engine harness, we have already drilled a hole on the right side firewall for that to go through and mount the ecm on the passenger side near where the A/C system will go but not in the way.

Originally Posted by richard2717 View Post
round holes are for the brake bracket to bolt to. I am pretty sure cable goes thru the square hole but I can check mine in the morning if needed. I can also pull measurements if you need them. I may have some of the factory brake stuff as well.


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