Re: Source for Radiator
39 years on the original radiator. I am envious! I bought a 1978 C20 new. 12 years later the core was leaking. The shop I went to told me it would cost less to buy a new one, so I did. It was brass and looked like the original. At 24 years that one was leaking, so I repeated the buying of another brass one. At 36 years the truck had nearly 400k miles on it, was retired and registered as an antique with only 2k or so miles per year added, so I chose to buy an aluminum one with plastic tanks from my favorite FLAPS. At 41 years, that radiator was leaking. I was not pleased with only 5 years of service. I searched this forum to see if that was normal. I learned that the radiator has a lifetime warranty. Thank you, forum! The counter people at the FLAPS confirmed that, and ordered a replacement for me. The receipt reminded me that I bought one then returned it for another, so the counter people ordered both of them. When they arrived I brought the leaking one in to compare. There are two inches difference in the length of the core between the plastic ends of the two choices. The bottom seat in the truck has position for both lengths. The top piece fits only one of the lengths. So, when you order one you can bring your top piece that holds the radiator in place to make sure it fits.