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Old 10-26-2019, 07:13 PM   #7
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Re: 1971 Wiring Nightmare

Originally Posted by HO455 View Post
If the green wire (Light green) has a woven black tar like sleeve covering it most likely the wire for the temperature switch or sender if you have guages. See photo but ignore the yellow wire coming out of the sleeve as that goes to my electric choke which wasn't installed when the photo was snapped.
HO455, I would never question your knowledge of these old trucks. I have seen you "in action" when solving a problem for someone. You know your stuff. But it's obvious Perma71 isn't very familiar with the various electrical circuits of them.. He needs to learn this area in particular as the wiring and electrical components are the items most prone to failure.. Spoon feeding information and promoting guess work does nothing toward their "education".. You and I know exactly the function of a green wire protected by a sleeve. Especially if it's in the vicinity of the engine. But according to Perma71, the wiring is "messed up".. Who's to say that wire hasn't been repurposed for another use???.. Our blurting out the answer won't stick with the "student" near as well as when he has to do some of the searching himself...
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