Thread: 47-55.1 Serpentine belt systems
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Old 10-29-2019, 10:20 AM   #1
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Serpentine belt systems

I don't have a lot of room between the radiator and the crank in the 48 on the S10 frame, and I need some of that room for the electric fan.

There are a lot of serpentine belt systems out there, and I was looking at one when I saw it was 8" from the front of the pulleys to the tip of the crank! That won't work for my truck.

So does anyone have a recommendation for what they used that took up minimal room, maybe 4"?

If you have done this set up, how much room did you have between the back of the radiator and the end of the crank? Maybe I need to start over and move the motor back some.
8man-aka Robert
1948 on a S10 Frame, small block with a carb
1954 Cab, 53 Front and Bed, 50 Doors, S10 Frame, Power TBD
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