Thread: 72 tilt column
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Old 11-03-2019, 02:22 PM   #3
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Re: 72 tilt column

There are 4 screws that get loose, almost always they tighten up and everything is fine.
Here is wuikc instructions on how to do it.

1. Remove the levers, flasher knob and shift indicator, then remove the metal bulb cover
2. Remove the metal turn signal switch cover, this is best done with the proper puller but you can tap it off with a flat blade screw driver. You will probably do some damage to it and it can be very difficult.
3. Remove turn signal switch.
4. Remove the tilt spring
5. Remove tilt pivot pins, must use the special tool for this.
6. Remove the nut preloading the upper bearings, the nut looks like 12 point but its not, takes a special tool.
7. Operate the tilt lever to release pivot housing and slide housing off the center shaft.
8. Tighten the 4, 5/16 head bolts

I dont rebuild columns for others but will buy your column and rebuilt it, i will put you first inline to buy it back, real truck tilts i pay approx $250 plus shipping, van tilts $125 or so.
Truck tilts sell for $550, van conversions $450.
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