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Old 11-04-2019, 12:43 AM   #1
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67-70 Alignment Specs after 71-72 disk brake swap

Recently I put Disk brakes on my 1969 GMC 1500 long bed from a 1972 GMC 1500. I decided to use most parts readily available from parts stores so I used stock 1971-1972 steering and suspension parts upfront. Inner and outer tie rods, upper and lower ball joints, I left in my 1969 crossmember and upper and lower a arms I took the truck to an alignment shop but at around 55 the truck wants to dodge into the other lane when I barely touch mose it to ease into turns It feels like the tires are not aligned properly and they are pointed out. I called the alignment shop and they said they didn’t have specs on that vehicle so they just set it to zero even though I offered to give them my 1972 handbook. Do I need to have them just align it to 1972 specs or because I used my original A arms and crossmember is there a special alignment I need to do on the front? I can post a photo of the specs of the alignment they gave me for my truck tomorrow
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